Top Food Trends

Food trends constantly evolve, influenced by culture, health and wellness, sustainability, and innovation. As we approach 2023, several top food trends are expected to dominate the culinary landscape.

Plant-Based Diets

 More people are turning to plant-based alternatives with an increasing awareness of the environmental impact of meat consumption and the health benefits of plant-based diets.

Locally Sourced Ingredients

CBD-Infused Foods

CBD (cannabidiol) has been gaining popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits, and in 2023, we can expect to see more foods and drinks infused with CBD. CBD-infused products can help to reduce anxiety, inflammation, and pain and are often used as a natural alternative to prescription medications.

High-Tech Cooking

 These gadgets can help make cooking easier and more efficient and produce restaurant-quality results.

Zero-Waste Cooking

With the growing concern about the amount of food waste we produce, zero-waste cooking is becoming more popular.

Fusion Cuisine

This trend can lead to exciting and innovative words that bring together the best cuisines.


However, these snacks will be healthier and more nutritious, focusing on whole foods and plant-based ingredients. Sanctification can also lead to more creative and interesting snacks like savoury granolas and vegetable chips.

Sustainable Seafood

As concern about overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices grows, sustainable seafood is becoming increasingly important. In 2023, we expect more restaurants and food producers to source seafood from sustainable sources, such as MSC-certified fisheries. This helps protect our oceans and can lead to more flavorful and interesting seafood dishes.

Alternative Grains

While wheat and rice are staples in many diets, many alternative grains are gaining popularity due to their health benefits and unique flavours. In 2023, we expect to see more alternative grains in dishes like quinoa, buckwheat, and farro. These grains are often higher in protein and fibre than traditional grains, making them a great choice for those looking to add more nutrients to their diet.

Immune-Boosting Foods

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing interest in foods that can boost the immune system. In 2023, we expect to see more foods and drinks marketed for their immune-boosting properties, such as elderberry, ginger, and turmeric. While these foods may not cure or prevent illness, they can support overall health and well-being.

Low-Alcohol Drinks

As more people choose to drink less alcohol or abstain altogether, there is a growing demand for low-alcohol drinks. In 2023, we expect to see more low-alcohol beer, wine, and cocktails options.

Upcycled Ingredients

Upcycling, which involves using food waste to create new ingredients, is becoming more popular.

Comfort Foods

However, these dishes will also be healthier, emphasizing whole foods and plant-based ingredients.

Personalized Nutrition

In conclusion, the food trends of 2023 will be influenced by factors such as health and wellness, sustainability, innovation, and cultural influences. From plant-based diets to high-tech cooking gadgets, plenty of exciting and innovative trends will be to watch in the coming year. Whether you are a chef, food producer, or food enthusiast, these trends offer plenty of opportunities to explore new flavours and techniques and create delicious, nutritious, and sustainable dishes. In addition to the trends listed above, there are a few more that are worth mentioning:

Gut-Healthy Foods

As more research highlights the importance of gut health, there has been a growing interest in foods that promote a healthy gut.

Snacks with a Purpose

Snacking is a popular pastime, but in 2023, we can expect to see more snacks that are not only delicious but also serve a specific purpose, such as boosting energy or reducing stress. These snacks may contain ingredients like adaptogens, caffeine, or superfoods.

Desserts with Unique Flavors

Desserts are often a place where chefs can get creative, and in 2023, we can expect to see more unique flavours and ingredients in desserts. This could include savoury desserts, desserts made with alternative flours, or desserts with unusual flavour combinations.

Alternative Sweeteners

 In 2023, we can expect more sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit, and coconut sugar to be used in desserts and other sweet dishes.

DIY Food Kits

In recent years, meal kits have become increasingly popular, but in 2023, we can expect to see more DIY food kits that allow people to make their food at home. This could include bread-making kits, cheese-making kits, or even DIY meal kits that require more cooking and preparation at home. Overall, the food trends of 2023 reflect a continued emphasis on health, wellness, and sustainability, as well as a desire for unique and interesting flavours and ingredients. From plant-based diets to high-tech cooking gadgets, plenty of exciting and innovative trends will be to watch in the coming year.


Flexitarianism is a semi-vegetarian diet that emphasizes plant-based foods while allowing occasional meat consumption.

Local and Regional Cuisine

Insect-Based Foods

In 2023, we can expect more insect-based foods like cricket protein bars and mealworm burgers to enter the mainstream.

African Flavors and Ingredients

African cuisine has long been underrepresented in the global culinary scene. Still, in 2023, we can expect more African flavours and ingredients on worldwide menus. This could include peri-peri sauce, harissa, and West African spices like suya and yagi.

Plant-Based Seafood

As concerns about overfishing and the environmental impact of traditional seafood production continue to grow, there has been a growing interest in plant-based seafood alternatives. In 2023, we can expect more plant-based seafood options, such as algae-based shrimp and fish-free tuna, to hit store shelves. Overall, the food trends of 2023 reflect a continued interest in health and wellness, sustainability, and cultural diversity. Whether you’re a professional chef, home cook, or food lover, there will be plenty of exciting and innovative trends to explore in the coming year. From plant-based diets to insect-based foods, there’s something for everyone to discover and enjoy.