Space Traveling Warriors

The Ultimate Space Traveling Warriors Tier List

In this guide, we will be looking at the best possible Tier List for Space Traveling Warriors. While there are already a lot of guides on the web covering this specific topic, we decided to take things to a different level and create a comprehensive list of Space Traveling Warriors Tier List.

The game has only just started and we already have a ton of amazing strategies and builds. The community has also been reacting really well to the new season, with some decks being Tier 1 for a few days and others falling out of favor in a few hours.

For Space Traveling Warriors specifically, there are a lot of powerful cards that don’t make tier lists for a reason. The archetype has a lot of synergy and flexibility with a number of synergies that make combing several cards viable. Whether this is through the Battlecry effect, the base stats, or even a secondary effect.

Of course, there are some cards that aren’t nearly as consistent and don’t synergize as well with the archetype. They’re not bad by any means, and they can still be used in certain decks to build a synergistic deck. However, they wouldn’t make the best Tier List for the archetype. This list is based on description, not on how good it is.

So read on to find out more about the Space Traveling Warriors Tiers list, and see which cards are a good fit for your playstyle.

How to Choose the Best Space Traveling Warriors Cards

If you’ve just started playing the game, there’s a long list of cards to choose from. And with each day, new cards are being released and old ones are rotating out. You can find this information on the in-game News section or on the forums.

When making your Tier List for Space Traveling Warriors, think about a few things. First and foremost, what is your playstyle? Do you like going all out on offense? Or do you prefer to be more reactive and try to control the board? This will lead you to a different type of deck. For example, if you want an aggressive deck, then cards like Kor’kron Elite or Whirling Zap-o-matic would be perfect for you. If you’d rather have a more reactive deck with some control elements, then cards like Omnotron Defense System might be better suited for you.

Next, consider what your meta is like. If you face mostly aggro decks (or other types of decks), then go with cards that counter those archetypes best. For example, if most people use Warrior as their class in their decks, Wild Pyromancer is one of the best tech options available because it has synergy with spell damage minions and can clear a board with only two spells when used at the right time.

Finally, make sure that the card synergizes well with other Space Traveling Warrior cards in your deck! There are certain synergies that work

Best Space Traveling Warriors Cards

There are a lot of powerful cards that don’t make tier lists for a reason. The archetype has a lot of synergy and flexibility with a number of synergies that make combing several cards viable. Whether this is through the Battlecry effect, the base stats, or even a secondary effect.

Of course, there are some cards that aren’t nearly as consistent and don’t synergize as well with the archetype. They’re not bad by any means, and they can still be used in certain decks to build a synergistic deck. However, they wouldn’t make the best Tier List for the archetype.

So read on to find out more about the Space Traveling Warriors Tiers list, and see which cards are a good fit for your playstyle.

Best Space Traveling Warriors Neutral Cards

The Tier List is split up into tiers in order to help you decide which cards are the best for your deck. For example, Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cards are cards that will work well with the majority of Space Traveling Warriors decks and are quite versatile.

Tier 1: These cards will work with any deck, regardless of battlecry effects, as they have base stats or secondary effects that make them powerful enough to be used in any deck.

Tier 2: These cards will need off-class card synergy to function properly in a deck, but they’re still strong enough to use on their own or alongside other Tier 1 Cards.

Tier 3: Cards from this tier are good fillers but only if you have the other card to make it more powerful. In some cases, these cards can be run by themselves but only if the rest of your deck is built around it.

Tier 4: These cards are okay for placing on top of Tiers 1 and 2, but they might not synergize as well as you’d hope with the majority of Space Traveling Warriors decks. They still have their uses though!

Best Space Traveling Warriors Rogue Cards

Below is a list of the best possible Space Traveling Warriors Rogue Cards.

-Assassin’s Blade

-Blade Flurry

-Blessed Flask

-Blade of C’Thun

-Dagger Mastery

-Deadly Poison


-Fan of Knives


-Loot Hoarder

-N’Zoth, the Corruptor

Best Space Traveling Warriors Warrior Cards

Tier 1:

Samantha Swift, the Goblin Assassin. One of the best Neutral cards in the game and a staple for any deck that doesn’t need to worry about absorbing damage. She is one of the most versatile and flexible cards in the game and can be used to destroy your opponent from turn 3.

– Mogwai, the Soul Reaper. A really powerful card with an extremely high value Battlecry effect that synergizes with many Space Traveling Warriors cards. Not only does he have excellent stats for his cost, but he has a great synergy with many different cards, which makes it hard to go wrong with him.

Naira, Master of Thieves**. If you are playing a deck with a lot of spells, this is one of the best possible options because she can make your own spells more powerful while also destroying enemy minions too! This is just one example of how she can be used in tandem with other Space Traveling Warriors cards to create a devastating combo that will win you games quite easily!

Tier 2:

Captain Spacebeard**. He’s got a decent amount of health but his main issue is high cost which makes him difficult to use as effectively as other Tier 1 or 2 warriors on this list. The only reason he makes this list at all is that he has some really good synergy with other Warrior cards like Mogwai or Nal

Best Space Traveling Warriors Priest Cards

The priest is a very strong choice as it is one of the best classes in the game. They have access to some of the best cards and are a tier 1 class.

2x Holy Champion

This card is really good because he’s like a Priest version of Paladin’s Tirion Fordring. It has a high mana cost, but it can potentially be worth it because of his effect that heals you for 10 when you play him. He also has divine shield which means he can’t die until your opponent deals with that divine shield, which is usually never.

2x Mind Blast

This card does 6 damage for 5 mana, which isn’t bad at all for Priest. You could use this card to clear minions or even trade with something big on your opponent’s side of the board in order to get rid of an expensive minion.

2x Shadow Madness

Shadow Madness is another very strong Priest card and can help you clear boards more easily if you don’t have many combo pieces or you’re low on life. The downside to this card is that they steal a minion from your opponent while at the same time forcing them to attack their own minions twice so they take 2 damage per attack instead of just 1 damage per attack.

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Best Space Traveling Warriors Shaman Cards

Sliver: A card that is a good stand-alone choice. It synergizes well with the archetype, and has priority for its base stats, but it can be substituted for cards that have better synergy with the deck.

The Beast: The beast is a great card in terms of stats and synergy. It can be used as a substitute for Sliver in most cases.

Grave Geist: A very strong card in this Tier List. Grave Geist can provide good value because it’s so versatile and can be used in many different situations to great effect.

Ironbark Protector: Ironbark Protector is good Tier list material because it’s difficult to deal with over two turns. The amount of health you get from this card makes the opponent think twice before attacking your minions again, giving you more time to make more moves on your turn.

Slammin’ Salmon: Slamming Salmon is a powerful card when played at just the right time and dealt with effectively by the opponent. It’s not as effective if you draw it later on your turn or if it gets removed early on in the game, but it does provide some really good value when played at the right time.

Best Space Traveling Warriors Warlock Cards

Below are some of the most powerful and efficient cards for this archetype.

-Abyssal Enforcer: An 8 mana 5/5 with a Battlecry that destroys your opponent’s deck. This card is one of the best value cards in the game, and it will be a staple in any deck that utilizes the Warlock cards.

-Doomguard: Another great card for the archetype. With its high stats, low cost, and powerful effect, Doomguard is a must-have card for any Warlock decks.

-Lord Jaraxxus: This card has been getting a lot of attention recently too, due to its recent buff and how powerful it can be when played at the right time. At 6 mana 8/8 with an ability that gives you 15 points back (plus health), this card is a steal deal.

-Mountain Giant: A staple card in every single Hearthstone deck, Mountain Giant has always been an amazing addition to any deck due to its high base stats and synergy with other cards such as Molten Giant or Twilight Drake.

-Sunfury Protector: A 2 mana 1/3 Taunt minion with relatively low stats but an amazing summon effect which allows you to summon another minion from your hand for only 2 more mana.