Eating nutritious foods is key for a long life, but many think healthy eating is expensive. In fact, it saves money in the long run. With small diet changes, the healthcare savings alone are worthwhile, plus grocery bills drop too.

Below are affordable ingredients to consider adding to your list. Not only do they save money and improve your quality of life, but they can be delicious too!

1. Kiwi

Best Place to Buy: Supermarket

Avg. Price: $6 per pack of three*

Benefits: Anti-aging effects

Kiwi fruit has the power to boost our immune system. It is so high in vitamin C that one is enough to cover 85% of the recommended dietary intake. That’s not all, this delicious fruit is rich in another type of vitamin; vitamin E which is a natural antioxidant.

Kiwi fruit packs a punch and is for sure a healthy habit in your everyday life. Daily consumption of kiwi can benefit the body in several ways. High in fiber, low in calories, and full of vitamins, kiwi fruit is a great addition to your everyday diet.

Kiwi boosts immunity with high vitamin C – one fruit provides 85% of the recommended dietary intake. Kiwi also has antioxidant vitamin E.

Kiwi fruit is for sure a healthy habit in your everyday life. Eating kiwi daily benefits the body in many ways. High in fiber, low in calories, and full of vitamins, kiwi is a great everyday addition.

2. Salmon

Best Place to Buy: Local fishmonger

Avg. Price: $18 for 2 pounds*

Benefits: Anti-aging, cognitive health

Salmon is one of the healthiest foods available. Though wild-caught quality is pricey, it’s worth it for the omega 3 content.

With protein and healthy fats for glowing skin and brain development, salmon is a balanced diet staple. It lends itself to baked, grilled, and raw recipes, which you can find by searching on Google.

3. Spinach

Best Place to Buy: Whole Foods Market

Avg. Price: $3.20 per frozen package*

Benefits: Boosts the immune system

Spinach has immune-supporting vitamins and minerals like vitamins E and magnesium. Your immune system protects against germs, toxins, and cell mutations.

If you want to lose weight, add spinach to your diet. Its fiber keeps you full while being low-calorie and helps regulate your digestive system.

4. Watermelon

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s market

Avg. Price: $4.50-10*

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants

Watermelon is 90% water, making it great for staying hydrated in summer heat. It also satisfies sweet cravings with its natural sugars. Additionally, watermelon has high antioxidant levels which remove harmful free radicals from your body.

Free radicals get into your body through pollution exposure and processed foods. Eating antioxidant-rich foods like watermelon can reduce doctor visits by counteracting the damage caused by these free radicals.

5. Walnuts

Best Place to Buy: Thrive Market

Avg. Price: $30 for 2 pounds*

Benefits: High in fiber, healthy fats

Walnuts can be a great food to help curb sugar cravings that may arise during the day. Even just a small handful of walnuts can assist you in staying on track with your healthy diet, while also helping to combat anxious feelings and promote a sense of fullness after eating.

Walnuts also contain healthy oils that can boost your overall brainpower, improving cognitive functions like working memory. So the next time you feel the urge to make yet another coffee run to buy an expensive latte as a pick-me-up, consider reaching for some walnuts instead.

6. Wakame Seaweed

Best Place to Buy: Whole Foods

Avg. Price: $12 for 3.5 ounces*

Benefits: High in vitamins, fiber

Wakame seaweed is an ingredient that you may have only encountered when eating at a Japanese restaurant before. This type of edible seaweed is very well known to fans of foods like miso soup or ramen noodle dishes. And thanks to wakame’s complete and rather unique nutritional profile, it can provide many health benefits for our bodies.

Wakame seaweed is rich in dietary fiber, vegetable-based proteins, various minerals, and antioxidants, making it a veritable cocktail of nutritional goodness. In addition to being detoxifying, it can also stimulate the immune system and sluggish digestive tract and may help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

7. Fennel

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s market

Avg. Price: Various

Benefits: Liver health

The aniseed flavor of fennel can certainly be an acquired taste initially, but fennel provides significant health benefits that make it worth getting used to. This vegetable is abundant with antioxidants like folic acid, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, which are all well-known for their protective effects against cell aging over time.

Whether you slice it up raw and add it to a salad, or sip on a warm cup of herbal fennel tea, fennel has remarkable detoxifying properties that can help keep your liver functioning at an optimal level. Another important property is fennel’s potential power to help maintain hormonal balance in females, especially for women who are breastfeeding.

8. Chicken breast

Best Place to Buy: Costco

Avg. Price: $5 for 1 pound*

Benefits: High protein content

Chicken is one of the most popular varieties of meat, eaten by people all over the world and incorporated into a wide variety of cuisines and dishes. Not only is chicken meat widely available at grocery stores and butcher shops, but it is also quite healthy for you and high in protein.

The healthiest cut of chicken is typically the breast meat, which has the highest ratio of protein to fat. And while the skin is often portrayed negatively as being fatty, chicken skin is actually high in collagen, which can help fight skin aging from within, while also contributing to muscle growth when eating a protein-rich diet and doing regular strength training.

9. Oysters

Best Place to Buy: Local fishmonger

Avg. Price: $20 per small bushel*

Benefits: High in vitamin B12

While they are certainly an acquired taste and texture, oysters contain enough healthy nutrients to encourage most people to give them another try. When eaten raw with lemon juice or another strongly flavored salty or acidic sauce, oysters are high in vitamin B12, which can be hard to find naturally in many other foods and help maintain energy levels, among other benefits.

You can skip the supplement aisle and get natural vitamin B12 by eating a few oysters at the nearest restaurant’s dollar oyster happy hour, or buy them yourself after visiting your local fish market. Just be careful when shucking them open with a knife, or ask the fishmonger to shuck them for you to avoid injury.

10. Garlic

Best Place to Buy: Aldi

Avg. Price: $0.30 per clove*

Benefits: Helps detoxify the body

This small yet remarkably effective garlic pod is the most protective member of the allium family, which also includes onions, shallots, leeks, and chives. The sulfur compounds found in garlic can activate detoxification within the body, preventing the formation of nitrosamines (present in processed deli meats) that are likely to cause DNA mutation, thus increasing cancer risk.

To help prevent cancers of the esophagus, stomach, prostate, and colon, aim to eat garlic at a rate of around ten pods per week, either fresh or crushed and cooked. Just remember to keep breath mints on hand, as your friends are sure to notice the lingering scent of garlic on your breath from a mile away after eating it.

11. Lentils

Best Place to Buy: Any grocery store

Avg. Price: $4 for 2 pounds*

Benefits: High in fiber

Dietary fiber was one of the first food components found to be associated with decreased cancer risk, and lentils are very high in fiber. But beyond that, lentils are also a major plant-based source of protein.

For this reason, they are a staple food for vegans and vegetarians everywhere, as lentils provide substantial nutritional value without breaking the bank. For under five dollars, you can purchase enough dried lentils to eat well for a whole week.

12. Soybeans

Best Place to Buy: Target

Avg. Price: $7 for 3.5 ounces*

Benefits: High in protein

Similar to other citrus fruits like grapefruits, lemons, and tangerines, oranges contain an abundant amount of immune-boosting vitamin C. They also have polyphenols and terpenes, which are antioxidants found abundantly in citrus fruits. These molecules can help block tumor growth while also enhancing the anti-cancer properties of other fruits and vegetables, increasing their concentration within the bloodstream.

While oranges are relatively high in natural sugars, they make an excellent dessert or healthy snack option when your blood sugar feels low, since their fructose is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. If you feel a cold coming on, oranges make a smart substitute for expensive, heavily marketed vitamin C supplements.

13. Orange

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s market

Avg. Price: $3 for 2 pounds*

Benefits: High vitamin C content

Like other citrus fruits–grapefruits, lemons, and tangerines–oranges have an abundant source of vitamin C. They also contain polyphenols and terpenes, the main molecules of citrus fruits, which both have the capacity to block the growth of tumors and potentiate the anti-cancer properties of other fruits and vegetables, increasing their concentration in the blood.

While they are high in natural sugars, they make an excellent dessert or healthy snack when you’re feeling low in blood sugar, as their fructose is easily absorbed by the body. If you feel a cold coming on, it’s a smart idea to reach for an orange instead of one of those expensive, heavily marketed vitamin C cocktails.

14. Olive oil

Best Place to Buy: Aldi

Avg. Price: $8 per liter*

Benefits: Prevention of heart disease

Olive oil is a staple that most of us use nearly every day, whether for cooking or as a salad dressing. However, few people realize the immense health and longevity benefits that olive oil imparts.

Olive oil helps prevent heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancers of the breast, respiratory tract, and upper digestive tract. Studies also indicate it may reduce risks of osteoporosis and diabetes.

15. Sushi

Best Place to Buy: Japanese market

Price: $5-15 per roll*

Benefits: Good source of protein, heart health

Since the 1970s, sushi has surged in popularity across the United States, and for good reason. While the general public used to fear eating raw fish, nowadays even picky eaters regularly enjoy this healthy food.

High in protein and low in fat and carbs, this relatively unprocessed food provides a range of benefits that outweigh its typically high price point. With omega-3 fats that promote cardiovascular and neurological health, eating sushi regularly helps keep you mentally and physically fit.

16. Watercress

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s Market

Price: $3 per bunch*

Benefits: Strengthens your immune system and prevents certain cancers

If you dread the thought of eating spinach, watercress may be the perfect solution for you. Although not yet a household name, watercress is considered one of the world’s healthiest foods!

Watercress is abundant in calcium, vitamin C, iron, antioxidants, and various minerals. Consuming just 100 grams of watercress can provide 100% of your daily needs for many essential nutrients. That’s why we strongly recommend reconsidering watercress the next time you shop for produce.

17. Raspberry

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s market

Avg. Price: $5 per tray*

Benefits: Anti-carcinogenic properties

Along with other berry varieties, raspberries are considered one of the healthiest fruits available. Boasting powerful anti-cancer properties, raspberries have plentiful polyphenols similar to blackberries and blueberries.

Eaten by the handful or added to yogurt, cereal, or smoothies, raspberries make a nutritious addition to any diet. They are also lower in sugar than many other fruits, so they do not spike blood sugar levels dramatically.

18. Mushrooms

Best Place to Buy: Target

Price: $4 per container*

Benefits: Protects you against diabetes and cancer

Whether you love or dislike mushrooms, they offer unusual health benefits unlike any other plant or animal-based foods, since mushrooms fall into the entirely distinct fungal food category. Among mushrooms’ health properties are compounds called adaptogens.

Adaptogens are thought to be used by the body in whatever way it requires, unlike other fixed nutrients serving just one purpose. Along with being a great source of fiber, these adaptogens make mushrooms an invaluable nutrition source, regardless of cost.

19. Flaxseed

Best Place to Buy: Organic supermarkets

Price: $10 per pound*

Benefits: Cancer-fighting compounds, weight loss

Historically, flaxseed was mainly grown for use in fabric and textile production. But nowadays, flaxseed has become one of the most popular ingredients in the health and wellness world. These hardworking seeds are rich in omega-3s, protein, and various essential nutrients our bodies need.

Beyond lowering unhealthy cholesterol, flaxseed also aids digestion. Adding just a small amount of flaxseed to cereal or yogurt provides hours of lasting fullness, promoting weight loss.

20. Whole Grains

Best Place to Buy: Aldi

Price: $4 per pound*

Benefits: Prevention against diabetes

While most of us eat processed grain products daily like bread and pasta, we are missing out on many nutritional benefits. When grains are milled into refined white flour for baked goods, their healthy components are removed.

Whole grains provide antioxidants, vitamins, and protein, while also being complex carbohydrates that sustain energy longer. Their refined counterparts spike blood sugar and cause food cravings soon after eating.

21. Ginger

Best Place to Buy: Organic stores

Price: $3 per half a pound*

Benefits: Pain relief, digestion

Ginger is a food that has been used therapeutically since ancient times, with several benefits that are particularly useful when sick. It can help calm nausea, improve digestion, and soothe a sore throat.

Ginger also substantially alleviates osteoarthritis pain thanks to its high levels of gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Although intense for some tastes, ginger’s advantages make it worth consuming ginger tea periodically.

22. Black radish

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s Markets

Price: $6 for 2 pounds*

Benefits: Improved digestion

Black radish has been cultivated for centuries, first in China, then by the Greeks and Romans before spreading worldwide. Botanists believe it was the earliest radish grown by humans, prior to red radishes in salads.

Black radish aids digestive issues from poor bile production and fights colds and sinus troubles. However, eating too much may cause stomach cramps, proving even good foods need moderation.

23. Green tea

Best Place to Buy: Trader Joe’s

Price: $5-$10 per box*

Benefits: Strengthens the immune system

Rather than jumpstarting mornings with copious caffeine from coffee, consider swapping it for green tea. Though it has some caffeine, green tea provides sustained energy from its nutrients without coffee’s extreme jolt and crash.

Green tea also contains abundant antioxidants that help prevent colds and other illnesses.

24. Astragalus

Best Place to Buy: Amazon Prime

Price: $7 for half a pound*

Benefits: Strengthens immune system

Though unfamiliar to many, astragalus is an herb used medicinally for centuries in China and Mongolia. It helps protect against respiratory infections and kidney disease.

Astragalus also aids detoxification for those recovering from heavy alcohol or nicotine use. Applied topically, it speeds wound healing.

25. Water

Best Place to Buy: City system

Price: N/A

Benefits: Provides essential hydration

Staying adequately hydrated is clearly essential, though easy to neglect, for all bodily functions down to the cellular level. It is recommended to drink at a minimum of 1.5 liters of water daily in order to function optimally and feel your best.

Dehydration puts you at risk for numerous problems, yet overhydration can also be dangerous by flooding the brain. For most non-athletes, keeping intake well below 4 liters daily is prudent.

26. Stevia

Best Place to Buy: Target

Price: $8 for half a pound*

Benefits: Reduces your blood pressure

Stevia originates from a plant that produces the popular natural sweetener, frequently in powdered form used in drinks and baked goods. This alternative has been widely preferred over more processed sweeteners, as it is better tolerated.

In addition to sweetening, stevia offers antiviral properties that protect against some foodborne illnesses. Lesser known, stevia has also been shown to lower blood pressure. However, added sugar intake should still be limited when consuming stevia.

27. Kombucha

Best Place to Buy: Organic Markets

Price: $7 per liter*

Benefits: Improves your digestive system

Kombucha is a probiotic drink made by fermenting sweetened black tea using a SCOBY culture of yeast and bacteria. The high probiotic dose may improve your gut microbiome and digestion.

While touted as a miracle beverage, quality varies substantially. Lower-quality kombuchas can cause bloating or contain so much sugar that the benefits are outweighed.

28. Nettle

Best Place to Buy: Organic Market

Price: $10 for half a pound*

Benefits: Helps regulate bile secretion

Though best known for their stinging properties, nettles actually contain many overlooked nutritional benefits when consumed. Nettle supplements are often recommended for supporting liver health and function.

This is because nettles contain trace minerals, vitamins, and nutrients like calcium, iron, and potassium that promote bile secretion, which is vital for optimal liver performance.

29. Turmeric

Best Place to Buy: Grocery store

Avg. Price: $5 for 3.5 ounces*

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

Turmeric is an essential, affordable spice in Indian cuisine that has recently gained popularity in America for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This versatile spice is readily available in supermarkets and online.

Turmeric can lend itself to many recipes, while also being a budget-friendly spice aisle option. Ironically, despite being anti-inflammatory, large turmeric amounts can cause bloating. If you include turmeric in your diet, consume it in moderation.

30. Dark Chocolate

Best Place to Buy: Whole Foods

Avg. Price: $2 per bar*

Benefits: Heart health, anti-aging

When chocolate’s cocoa content surpasses 70%, it transforms from a dessert into a health food. Firstly, cocoa powder is extremely rich in antioxidants that combat cell aging and inflammation within the body. Additionally, dark chocolate provides substantial potassium, an important electrolyte for proper kidney function.

Dark chocolate may also have protective effects on cardiovascular health. Studies show the flavonoids in cocoa can improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure through anti-inflammatory effects and by increasing insulin sensitivity and preventing blood clot formation. Research also indicates cocoa flavonoids may enhance blood vessel elasticity and thereby lower blood pressure.