Sam and Layla had been in a relationship for two years when they made the decision to take their love to the next level and tie the knot. They were filled with excitement, knowing that their cherished families would be there to support them on this special day. Sam eagerly anticipated the moment he could finally call Layla his wife, especially seeing how stunning she looked in her white gown. The ceremony proceeded smoothly, and the couple was about to exchange rings, symbolizing their commitment as husband and wife. However, an unexpected turn of events occurred. Sam let out a sharp gasp of pain and collapsed to the floor just as he was about to slide the ring onto Layla’s finger. Everyone was taken aback, and they hurried to provide assistance.

Entering the labor stage

Silence fell upon the guests as the heavily pregnant bride, Layla, dropped to her knees during the wedding ceremony. It was evident from the expression on her face that she was going into labor! Fortunately, there happened to be a doctor present who swiftly came forward to help Layla deliver her baby right there. However, as Sam caught a glimpse of the newborn’s face, his joy at the arrival of his child faded away…

Astonishment swept through the crowd

The entire audience was left in a state of disbelief. As Layla gave birth, many had averted their gaze, but those who remained beside Sam let out gasps of shock when they caught sight of the newborn baby’s face…

A sudden revelation dawned

Layla was acutely aware of the way she appeared, her mortification evident to all. In that moment, everything became clear to Sam. He understood why Layla had insisted on getting married before having a child. His emotions toward her swiftly transformed into pure hatred.

Casting away his wedding ring

Gripping his wedding ring tightly, he hurled it across the church before storming out. He had no desire to lay eyes on Layla ever again… But what was wrong with the baby’s face? Why did Sam react in such a manner, and why was it crucial for Layla to be married before starting a family?

The union of marriage and impending parenthood

Sam was well aware that planning a wedding so close to Layla’s due date might not have been the wisest decision. He had tried to persuade her to postpone the wedding until later in the year, but she remained resolute. Yet, she couldn’t alter her decision…

Layla’s impatience grew

From the moment Layla discovered her pregnancy, she began urging Sam to marry her. The pregnancy had come as a surprise, and Sam had not yet proposed to Layla. But those details seemed insignificant after the couple made the decision to embrace parenthood…

Fears of infertility haunting Layla

Layla had long harbored a fear that her past uterine surgery might have rendered her unable to conceive. Thus, when she learned of her pregnancy, she was adamant about keeping the baby, considering it a precious opportunity she couldn’t let go.

The desire to become a father

Sam had always dreamed of becoming a father, making him fully supportive of the decision to keep the baby. He also believed that Layla was the right person to build a family with. However, the rushed wedding preparations due to the pregnancy left him feeling like everything was happening in a whirlwind.

Ensuring Layla’s happiness

Despite his reservations, Sam went along with everything to ensure the happiness of his soon-to-be wife. He took on most of the wedding planning responsibilities, striving to shield Layla from unnecessary stress and discomfort while she carried their child.

Just three weeks before the due date

The chosen wedding date was set approximately three weeks before Layla’s expected delivery. It should have allowed for ample time, but Sam was well aware that newborns often arrive on their own schedule, disregarding any plans made.

Mounting anxiety

As the wedding day approached, both Layla and Sam grew increasingly anxious. Layla’s health deteriorated as expected during this stage of pregnancy. Was she still resolute about proceeding with the wedding, despite the challenges they faced?

Seeking medical advice

However, uncertainty gnawed at Sam, prompting him to urge Layla to accompany him to the doctor for a professional opinion on whether going ahead with the wedding in just a few weeks was a wise decision. As expected, the doctor expressed strong reservations.

Strong opposition from the doctor

In agreement with Sam, the doctor deemed it unwise to undertake something emotionally taxing and significant so close to the impending birth.

Something amiss

Though the doctor couldn’t pinpoint the exact cause of Layla’s health concerns, it was evident that her decision-making process was flawed in some way…

Layla’s unwavering stance

Armed with the doctor’s stern advice, Sam was ready to make phone calls to inform the guests about the rescheduling of the wedding due to the pregnancy. However, Layla remained steadfast and explicitly forbade Sam from changing the wedding plans. For her, it was now or never…

The mystery behind Layla’s determination

Sam had been patient and understanding thus far, but he reached his breaking point. He insisted that Layla provide him with a compelling reason to jeopardize her own well-being and that of their unborn child by rushing into marriage. How could it hold such immense significance?

Religious considerations emerge

After some contemplation, Layla finally offered Sam an answer, though it wasn’t the response he had anticipated or hoped for. She explained that she feared facing criticism from her religious grandparents if she were to have a child before getting married.

A transparent justification

Despite Sam’s understanding that Layla’s deeply religious grandparents would undoubtedly pass judgment on her, the reality remained that their premarital intimacy had already taken place. That baby didn’t just materialize out of thin air…

Unsuccessful attempts to sway Layla

Sam voiced his thoughts to Layla, trying to reason with her and pointing out that her grandparents would inevitably disapprove regardless, as the evidence of their actions was already present.

An unyielding resolve

Yet, Layla remained resolute, sticking to her narrative that her grandparents would strongly object to the baby being born outside of wedlock.

No way of changing her mind

At this juncture, Sam came to the realization that he would not be able to change Layla’s mind.

Accepting the inevitable

Sam found Layla’s perplexing behavior difficult to comprehend, although, to be fair, it wasn’t entirely unexpected given her track record of recent lies.

He was fully aware that Layla was fabricating stories about her religious grandparents. Sam had only met them once, as Layla didn’t maintain regular contact with them. While they held religious beliefs, it wasn’t to the extent that would provoke anger.

The frustration of excuses

Sam had reached his limit with Layla’s lack of transparency. However, he constantly found himself lacking concrete evidence to support his suspicions.

Stuck in a powerless position

Consequently, he felt powerless to take any action. He attempted to engage in open conversations with Layla, but she consistently made excuses to justify her actions.

The woman of his dreams

When Sam first encountered Layla, he quickly realized she was the woman he had always dreamed of. He fell deeply in love with her, and it seemed that she felt the same way.

Inseparable companions

Their bond was unbreakable, and they shared every aspect of their lives together. However, recently, an unexpected shift had begun to take place…

A transformed persona

Layla’s personality underwent a noticeable transformation, becoming easily irritable. Sam found himself struggling to recognize the sweet and affectionate woman he had once known.

Questioning personal growth

Layla claimed that she wanted to better herself for Sam and their future family, but Sam couldn’t help but doubt her ability to follow through with her words.

Irrespective of doubts

Regardless of his reservations, the wedding was swiftly approaching. Despite everything, Sam still held a deep desire to marry Layla and eagerly anticipated the arrival of their child. Thus, he dedicated himself to finalizing the preparations for the special occasion.

A glimmer of hope

Fortunately, Layla appeared to be feeling better. Though Sam suspected a hint of pretense, her improved state gave him a renewed sense of hope. As the wedding day drew near, he genuinely looked forward to the celebration.

Anticipation fills the air

Friends and family gathered as the momentous day arrived. Sam eagerly awaited their arrival, stationed at the entrance of the church. Layla, preparing in seclusion, would make her appearance at the altar, their eyes meeting for the first time.

Layla’s care entrusted to loved ones

Knowing that Layla was in the capable hands of her mother and sister, Sam acknowledged her nervousness. However, amidst the flurry of responsibilities, thoughts of Layla and their unborn child momentarily escaped his mind, consumed by the quest for a flawless wedding day.

Growing concern

As the day progressed, Sam’s worry intensified as he received no response from Layla or her mother, despite multiple texts he had sent. A sense of unease began to settle within him, questioning why there was no communication.

A lingering feeling of unease

Though he reassured himself that Layla was in capable hands, something felt amiss. Little did he know that even more distressing news awaited him.

An unsettling discovery

Just as the wedding preparations were underway and Sam was about to make his way down the aisle, he received the first unsettling piece of information.

Layla’s deteriorating condition

According to Layla’s sister, she wasn’t feeling well and needed more time to prepare. Sam was reassured that there was no cause for alarm and was encouraged to proceed with the wedding as planned, merely informing the guests of a slight delay.

No need to worry

Sam, on the other hand, was advised not to worry and that everything will be fine. The wedding was still scheduled to go place, and he simply had to inform everyone that they would have to wait a little longer.

A foreboding intuition

However, deep down, Sam couldn’t shake the ominous feeling that something terrible was about to unfold.

Uncertainty shrouds the scene

With limited access to the happenings behind the scenes, Sam remained unaware of the unfolding events concerning his future wife.

The curious guests

Meanwhile, Sam focused his energy on appeasing the guests, who were oblivious to the situation. Speculations and rumors swirled amongst them, unaware of the true circumstances.

Agreement in silent thoughts

Many guests voiced their concerns about the decision to hold the wedding so close to Layla’s due date. What if something was wrong with the baby at this very moment? Sam found himself silently concurring with their sentiments but refrained from vocalizing his own apprehensions.

Choosing peace

Sam understood that now was not the appropriate moment to engage in a public dispute with his wife, especially considering the significance of the occasion.

Standing by his future wife

Despite his disagreement with Layla’s decision, Sam understood the importance of standing by her side during this challenging time, even if it meant defending her when she couldn’t speak for herself. He knew that eventually, the truth would come to light, and their actions would be understood.

Growing restlessness

As the guests grew increasingly restless while waiting for Layla, their concern for her well-being escalated. Speculations and worries about her condition circulated among the attendees, and the lack of information only fueled their anxiety.

Taking matters into his own hands

After attempting to pacify the guests for nearly two hours, Sam’s patience wore thin. Determined to find out what was happening, he made his way to the door and began knocking vigorously, demanding to be let in and provided with an explanation.

Anxious thoughts

As his pounding on the door echoed, Sam’s heart raced, and his mind raced alongside it. Thoughts of Layla consumed him, and he couldn’t shake the fear that something was seriously amiss.

Protective instincts

His urgency to be by Layla’s side intensified, as she was not only his fiancée but also the mother of their child. He felt a deep responsibility to protect and support her during this pivotal moment.

Unveiling the truth

Initially met with silence and a locked door, Sam’s anxiety heightened further. He pondered the possibility of Layla’s doubts or unexpected circumstances she hadn’t shared with him. Threatening to break down the door, he finally elicited a response.

Nearly ready

It seemed that preparations were nearly complete behind the door. Sam was informed that he needed to swiftly guide the guests back to their seats and proceed to the altar. The wedding had to take place now, without delay. Though hesitant, Sam chose to follow through.

Awaiting at the altar

In a matter of minutes, Sam managed to restore order and guide everyone into their designated places. The preacher stood poised, ready to officiate the lifelong union of Layla and Sam.

Anticipation builds

As the door, which had been closed until now, unexpectedly swung open, a hush fell over the crowd. All eyes were fixed on the entrance, eagerly awaiting the moment that was about to unfold.

Was Layla in pain?

Layla proceeded cautiously, leaning on her father’s arm for support. As she made her way towards the altar, guests couldn’t help but notice an undeniable sense of unease despite her stunning appearance. There was a certain sadness etched on her face, as if she had been shedding tears or enduring some form of suffering.

A sense of unease

Layla tried her best to wear a smile, but the closer she got to the altar, the more apparent her discomfort became. A grimace of pain occasionally replaced her efforts to mask it. As her father released his hold on her arm, she nearly stumbled but managed to regain her balance just in time. The room filled with a growing murmur of concern. What on earth was happening?

Unspoken communication

Sam could sense Layla’s struggle. Though she made attempts to hide it, her emotions were clearly written on her face. It was evident that she was in distress. However, as Sam tried to convey his concern through his gaze, Layla avoided making eye contact with him.

The urgency of the ceremony

Finding it difficult to stand upright, Layla took her place at the altar, tears streaming down her face. She implored the pastor to hasten the proceedings. Sam turned to face his soon-to-be wife, his expression reflecting his deep concern. “Why are you putting yourself through this?”

The long-awaited affirmation

Sam was deeply unhappy with the situation and desperately wanted to get Layla to a hospital as soon as possible. However, he realized that she wouldn’t agree to it until they exchanged rings and formally acknowledged their marriage. It was a long-awaited “yes” that meant the world to her.

A matter of great importance

Sam couldn’t fully comprehend the significance this moment held for Layla, but he couldn’t ignore the weight it carried in her eyes. The timing of their wedding didn’t matter to him, but he couldn’t help but think of Layla’s disapproving grandparents. He sighed inwardly, maintaining his composure. Postponing the wedding wasn’t in her best interest, as he was doing it all for her.

Omitting the vows

The minister swiftly bypassed some unnecessary parts of his prepared text and hurried straight to the vows. Layla was expected to recite them first, but it was evident that she was in no condition to do so.

A feeling of unease

Sam wasn’t even sure if they had ever written their own vows. They had them prepared, but it didn’t feel right to recite them in this moment. Both Layla and he were not in the proper state of mind for it, and he couldn’t shake that unsettling feeling.

No longer about love

The focus had shifted from love to simply getting it over with as quickly as possible, ever since Layla discovered she was pregnant. Sam questioned his desire to proceed with the wedding because it no longer felt like it was primarily about love.

Doubts and hesitation

They were on the brink of uttering their long-awaited “yes,” yet Sam still hesitated to respond. With each word uttered by the pastor, beads of sweat formed on Sam’s forehead. He had to make a quick decision or risk regretting it later. A dreadful silence hung in the air.

An agonizing silence

Layla was the first to answer the pastor’s question, her voice filled with determination despite her discomfort. Then it was Sam’s turn. When the question was directed at him, he remained silent. He paused for a bit too long, turning to face Layla, who was now on the verge of tears.

He uttered “yes”

Finally, Sam turned towards the audience, who appeared speechless. He mustered a response of “yes,” though unsure if it was the right choice. The audience let out sighs of relief, but Sam no longer dared to meet their gaze. Had he just made a grave mistake?

Layla’s collapse

But someone else would soon make that decision for him. Just as the preacher was about to pronounce them husband and wife, Layla collapsed to the ground, screaming. Everyone present was aware of what was happening, and Layla could no longer contain her agony.

No time for questions

Sam bombarded Layla with a barrage of questions and comments. Yet, in that moment, none of them seemed to matter as the priority shifted to safely delivering their child. With the imminent arrival of their baby, many of Sam’s questions would soon be answered.

The presence of a medical professional

Fortuitously, a doctor was already present at the wedding, allowing for a swift response. Most guests averted their gaze from the unfolding scene at the altar, but those who still observed were in awe of what they were witnessing.

Almost time to push

The doctor sprang into action, assisting Layla onto a stretcher that she had brought. Her astonishment grew as she realized that it was almost time for Layla to start pushing, given her advanced stage of labor. There was no time for privacy, so the medical professional gestured for everyone to create space.

Intense pain

Layla’s screams of agony filled the room as she lay on the floor, her bridal dress offering no comfort. Sam tried to console her, but she refused to be comforted.

Unbearable pain

With tears streaming down her face, Layla grasped Sam’s hands and pleaded for him to stop talking. The medical professional examined her again and advised that she begin pushing immediately.

Confusion and concern

As Layla continued to push, it became apparent that the baby was on its way. However, Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that the doctor appeared perplexed. What was happening?

The arrival of the baby

Amidst Layla’s determined efforts, the room filled with one final scream. After the scream subsided, the cries of the newborn baby filled the air, leaving everyone in the room gasping. Sam gazed at the infant, then at the people around him, but no words were spoken as his eyes widened.

Shocked and stunned

The astonishment mirrored in Sam’s expression was shared by everyone present. The only ones who didn’t appear shocked were Layla’s mother and sister, though they were undoubtedly embarrassed. However, their humiliation paled in comparison to Layla’s own shame. She knew that her secret was now exposed, and she would have to face the consequences.

Not Sam’s child

It was evident that this baby didn’t belong to Sam. The baby’s skin tone offered little clues, but the truth was undeniable. Layla had betrayed Sam, and the child was the product of an affair with someone else. She had been aware of this all along…

The truth revealed

Everything suddenly fell into place—the changes in Layla’s behavior, her lack of affection, and the mounting frustrations. She had been lying. Sam watched as his entire world shattered before him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at Layla and the child, but he couldn’t find his voice. He was simply too overwhelmed by the revelation.

Regaining composure

After the initial shock, Sam managed to compose himself. However, his amazement quickly transformed into a seething anger. Layla was too ashamed to answer his question about her actions.

Demanding the truth

He demanded an explanation from her, considering it the least she could do. Finally, Layla mustered the courage to confess the truth, albeit with her gaze fixed on the ground.

Everything fell into place

It became clear that Layla’s motive for rushing the marriage was to ensure that Sam couldn’t abandon her after learning about the baby’s race. She wanted the legal marriage as a safeguard, and she believed she would be entitled to a portion of his assets if he decided to leave. However, her plan had several flaws. Layla was unaware that the marriage could still be declared invalid within a month. Fortunately, it didn’t progress that far.

Sam’s fury ignited

Sam’s anger towards Layla intensified. She had betrayed him, keeping a significant secret from him all along. There was no way he would marry her, and he had no intention of staying with a woman who had deceived him. No one could fault him for his decision.

Casting away the wedding ring

In a fit of rage, Sam snatched the wedding band and flung it into the audience. He stormed off the stage, leaving Layla in the care of her family, despite her weakened state. He had no desire to ever see her again. He hurried home, gathered Layla’s belongings, and drove them to her mother’s house in a fit of anger.

No blame on him

He wasted no time in arranging for the locks to be changed that very day, ensuring he could avoid any further contact with Layla. No one could blame him for wanting to sever all ties with her. Layla had shattered his trust and had even attempted to benefit from her actions.

Layla’s overwhelming remorse

Later, Layla and her child were taken to a hospital, where they both recovered well. Throughout her postpartum recovery, her mother and sister stood by her side. Overwhelmed with guilt, Layla made numerous attempts to reach out to Sam. She couldn’t bear the thought of living without him and was determined to make amends.