Abby and Brittany Hensel have been captivating the world with their incredible story of survival as conjoined twins for three decades. Against all odds, the sisters have triumphed and graciously invited the world to witness their journey.

But wait, there’s more! They recently unveiled their exciting announcement. What could it be? And how will it shape the course of their lives? Let’s dive in and find out!

Unique from Birth
Abby and Brittany Hensel, the world-famous conjoined twins, have shared their journey with the world for over 30 years.

They are dicephalic parapagus twins, born with a shared body but different sensations and body temperatures. Despite facing numerous challenges, the Hensel twins have miraculously defied the odds and survived.

Different Motor Control for Each Twin

Abby and Brittany each control one side of their shared body, which makes simple tasks like walking and eating challenging. And yet, they still managed to get their driver’s licenses!

They worked together to operate a car by dividing responsibilities for the gas, brakes, and turn signals. Despite these challenges, they have become skilled drivers and are trusted on the road.

How Do The Twins Get Dressed?

Getting ready in the morning can be a hard thing for them. Abby and Brittany have learned to compromise over the years despite having distinct preferences.

While Brittany prefers a more subdued atmosphere, Abby prefers bright, colorful attire and is more opinionated. They are entertaining to be around because of how their fashion choices interestingly reflect their personalities.

They Lead Different Social Lives

Abby and Brittany are also quite different in their social lives. Abby is outgoing and enjoys socializing, while Brittany prefers to explore the world. Their differences make them an interesting pair.

Although many people are curious about their dating lives, Abby and Brittany prefer to keep these matters private. They are very different people, but they always try to find a compromise that makes them both happy. So, what else sets them apart?

Their Friends Always Look Out for Them

The Hensel twins enjoy traveling the world, but they often receive unwanted attention from strangers. People take pictures of them and some see them as a circus show. It is draining for them.

Luckily, Abby and Brittany have learned to handle it. And they usually travel with friends who watch out for them. Abby and Brittany are grateful for the support and protection they receive from their friends and fellow travelers.

The Twins Are Amazingly Resilient People

Abby and Brittany are unique, and they work hard to make the world a better place. Their friends say they are impressively tough and can handle anything.

They are an inspiration to others who are different and may feel like they can’t make it in this world. Abby and Brittany have big dreams, and they work tirelessly to achieve them every single day.

A Family That Sticks Together

Like any other mother, the twins’ mom just wants her girls to be happy and successful. She doesn’t pry into their lives. She just wants to be sure that they’re doing okay.

The twins feel incredibly lucky to have parents who have loved and supported them unconditionally. Their parents have always been there for them, even when things were tough. Despite their physical limitations, the family has a strong bond that nothing can break.

The Twins Share Their Story via Media

They’ve been in the spotlight since they were little, even appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show and being featured on Life Magazine’s cover. At just 12 years old, the girls made a documentary (called Joined for Life) about their life as conjoined twins, and it was a huge success.

Then another series about their lives called Abby and Brittany was aired on BBC. People are fascinated by their stories, and they continue to inspire others by sharing them.

One Last Hurrah

After completing their studies at Bethel University, the twins decided to visit their friends in England and Italy. They embarked on a journey to Europe. They explored the local spots on a moped, showcasing their daring side.

Surprisingly, this wasn’t their first time traveling together to distant places. The twins had previously studied in Europe and even taught in London for a short period. This trip was like a “last hurrah” for them before they returned home to start their professional careers.

The Twins Reveal Their Exciting News

The job search had always been challenging due to their unique situation. Luckily, they finally got a job in 2012. How exciting! They will teach math in an elementary school. The job is part-time, allowing the twins to transition smoothly into their new roles together.

Teaching is already a tough job, and it could be more demanding for conjoined twins. However, the twins are determined to face the challenges together.