
Friends and family know you for your goofy side, not your serious side. That’s why it’s so important to have a sense of humor about yourself. Whether you’re having a good time or at war with yourself, having friends who are laughing your guts out will go a long way toward making your day. It may be that you feel like the loneliest person in the world right now, but knowing that there are people who want to laugh is never a bad thing. Perhaps you aren’t happy in your marriage or family life, perhaps you just need someone to share those experiences with. Whatever the case may be, it’s probably something you can learn from other people. So if you think about it rationally, it doesn’t matter how certain other people find it repulsive as long as you find it funny. Thinking about what kinds of things tickle your funny bone might just bring back memories of when you were still single and trying to figure out what kind of relationship trajectory to take. Here are some great ways to get others to laugh up their sleeves:

Go to a party and invite everyone.

You might know this one from sports club parties or high school dances, but it’s also possible you’ve always been a part of a social gathering. Whether you’re a single man who wants to meet others for the first time or you’re a couple who’s looking for a chance to relax and have some fun, having a party is a great way to go. Whether you like to socialize with friends from work or you’re a couple who loves to spend time with your family, having a party is a great way to get the love and support you need.

Have a good time on your own.

If you’re looking for some alone time, you can always head to a park or a park nearby. Just be sure to let other people know you’re available since you might have to share a few spots. If you’re looking for a more social type of time, go to a club or hang out at a hotel pool. Club mingling is often frowned upon by society at large, so it’s wise to check if the rules and standards of the place you’re going are the same as others.

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Take a walk with your friends.

This may sound like actors, but when you’re having a good time it’s one of the best ways to get to know people you like and feel comfortable with. If you’re looking for a more social time, head to your local park or park nearby, or even just walk around the block. Being able to talk to people and laugh together is an important part of human bonding.

Go to a show together.

Have you ever seen a concert when you’ve been, “Oh my gosh, I love that artist!” or “I love that sound!”? That’s exactly how you’re going to feel when you see a show with your friends. You might not be able to go to all the concerts you like in your life, but going to a show with your friends can be an amazing way to make new friends.

Get together at the local bookstore.

Books are some of the most popular ways to talk to people because they can be difficult to read, so having a book club is a great way to get to know others. All you have to do is find a local book club and ask them to meet at your house.

Bottom line

If you’re looking for a way to get others to laugh up their sleeves, consider going to a party. It’s a safe bet that you’ll be in stitches the entire time, which will give you a lot more room to Laugh Up Your Sleeve than if you just hang out. And you might even end up talking about what a great time you had and what a great person you are. So go out and have a party, have a great time, and you might just find that laughing with your friends is the best thing you’ve ever done.