Feeding Netters

The Best Way To Cook All Of Your Feeding Netters

Your family indeed eats a lot. And it seems like there is always a new way to make your meals more nutritious and less expensive. Fromackage, low-sodium instant ramen to lasagna with thick cream sauce, you will find popular recommendations on how to cook all of your favorite creatures at the dining room table. The problem? These simple recipes may seem easy, but they take time and dedication. Even the most dedicated dutch chef would be able to knock out these six ideas in one go, but who has time for that? No problem! We have you covered with our top seven recipe ideas for cooking all of your feeding netters. Let’s get started!

Put a Little Spice Into Your Dinner

First things first, make sure you are making your dinner a little spicier than normal. Put an hour into making your fajita Chili, for example, and you will have a dinner that is ready to serve in just a couple of hours. Put in the jar some Caprese salad, and you will have a dinner that is ready to serve in just a couple of days. Put in the mix some roasted red peppers, green bell peppers, and tomatoes, and you will have a dinner that is ready to serve in a few hours. Put in the mix some taco shells, and you will have a dinner that is ready to serve in just a few hours. Put in the mix some roasted sweet potatoes, and you will have a dinner that is ready to serve in just a little while. Put in the mix some baked beans, and you will have a dinner that is ready to serve in just a few more hours. And that is just the appetizer!

Bake Something Different

Chili con carne is a standard dinner for many families. But you can also make it vegetarian by using beans instead of carne and by using chickpea flour instead of breadcrumbs. This will result in a dinner that is ready to serve in just a few hours. Taco salads can be made with lettuce, tomatoes, beans, lettuce, and guacamole as the main ingredients, while enchiladas make use of seasoned Tortuguero beans or canned black beans. You can also make enchiladas with corn or sweet potato instead of flour tortillas.

Creamy Baked Alaska

This is one of the netter recipes that require very few ingredients. You can make it with milk, whole milk, half and half, cream, sugar, salt, and butter. The milk will keep the batter from being too thick, while the cream will help to break down the sugar and help keep the sweetness from being too much. And when it comes to the baked result, you will have one of the tastiest casseroles you will ever eat. It is best eaten fresh, as it is not easy to make.

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Burgers with Zesty Ketchup

This one calls for patties, but to make them perfect you will need a chuck or two of the beast. Zesty ketchup can be found in many bars and grocery stores, and it is a great way to add a lot of flavor to your patties. You could also drizzle olive oil in the pattie batter before it is baked to keep the oil from becoming too much of a liability.

Sticky Buns with Mustard Seed Butter

This recipe calls for homemade mustard, but you can be as doodle-free as you wish. You can find it in cookbooks, and when it comes to stick-to-it mustard, it is the king. You can get it at your local food co-op, by the oil change, or at any health food store. It is perfect for buns, and it is a good thing so many mustard seeds are available.

Simple Beef Stroganoff

This one calls for a lot of creams, but you will not be disappointed. The meat in this recipe is steak, and you should use about one-eighth of the recommended amount. To make the sauce, you can use a roux or a simple cream sauce. You can also use less oil and sugar, and more tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers, etc. as the base. You can get the roux from a baking or stippling cookbook or you can use a food processor.

Best Ever: Ceviche

This is one of the most popular meals in the world, and it is easy to make. You can make it with fresh or frozen vegetables, meat, fish, or poultry just about any food that can be eaten with a glass or two of wine. A few drops of essential oil from a rose or an orange are all you need to make this meal the most delicious dessert you will ever make.


All in all, it is not hard to make good food. All you need to do is to make sure that the food is good for you and that the right amount of energy is required for the body to function properly. If you follow these simple and easy cooking tips, you will be able to make all of your favorite foods more nutritious and cost-free.