Read More: The Best Movies Of The 70s

Schindler’s List

For the film industry, Steven Spielberg’s masterful drama about Schindler, a German businessman who saved Jews during the Second World War, is certainly one of the greatest movies ever made. Spielberg considered turning Schindler’s story into a film for ten years, before finally making up his mind to shoot it.

Fight Club

Despite achieving almost no box office success, this film’s popularity grew after it was released on DVD, making it a cult classic. It was a powerful film that caused people to react in different ways, whether they loved or hated it. Everyone had an opinion on how Fight Club’s nihilism and violence were connected, and that is why it gained so much attention. We shouldn’t be writing this, of course; you already know the first rule of Fight Club.

Toy Story

A company’s first film, in which an adventure of set of toys, their hopes and fears, and their antics was created, became not only a milestone in film animation, but the first of what has been dubbed the greatest movie trilogy ever, but that is precisely what happened with Toy Story. Pixar, backed by Steve Jobs, Apple’s guru, became a global powerhouse after the release of Toy Story, which ushered in a new era of animation. Adults and children alike responded to the tale of friendship and chivalry, which was the focal point.