The Silence Of The Lambs

Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster created an iconic movie character in The Silence of the Lambs, which was the first horror movie to win a Best Picture Oscar (as well as the other four of the ‘top five’ categories). A claustrophobic environment and a tight screenplay dominated the film, which was dominated by their towering performances. Despite just 16 minutes of screen time, Hannibal Lecter became an iconic movie character. The film became a sleeper hit and one of the most popular movies of the 1990s.
Jurassic Park

Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park was a critical and commercial success, combining mankind’s eternal fascination with dinosaurs with a superb storyline and groundbreaking special effects. With Spielberg at the helm, the movie became the world’s highest-grossing film after replacing his own E.T. The glass of water that shook and the T-Rex’s eyes as it enters the kitchen scene are two of the most well-known film moments ever created, in addition to the Raptors in the kitchen scene. View this and you’ll be in T-Rexstacy.